Friday 5 July 2013

Off to Alsace for a long weekend...

Just over an hour and a half up north and we're in delightful Alsace... we're practically around the corner!!

Upon arrival at a cosy place to have lunch and meet up with the Mittras, Dadda and I found great pastures to stretch out legs out!!  

First one to the top gets an extra scoop of ice cream!!

Swings came in useful for Joyd & Bertie too!

...before Bertie started wondering off his own way..

... the drive through the hills was delightful..

...and every village looked out of a Disney movie like Maurice's house in Beauty & the Beast!

.... check out the view from our hotel... right on the vineyards!

....this region is renowned not only for it's wines and villages but also for it's prominent stalks populating the rooftops and chimneys of many houses!

Here are Mamma and I strolling through Ribeauville in the late afternoon...

Mamma and Baby taking a rest in the shade!

...and then having a laugh over dinner!

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