Saturday 18 May 2013

MIchael & Rozalia's wedding

Michael and Rozalia picked a lovely location in Nizza Monferrato for their wedding... the hotel was reserved and elegant, the setting was perfect... shame for the rain but that didn't get in the way for a memorable weekend for everyone!!!

Max and I preparing for the Bride & Groom to come past...

... meanwhile practicing the rituals of emanating love and happiness!!!

Vicky was keen to play a role too!

Finally husband and wife!!  They look well happy!!!

...a rare picture of Mamma and Dadda together!

...and us kids spectators of the event perhaps wondering if one day we'll get to play prince and princess as well!!

The ceremony was followed by an evening gala event... Mamma displaying a nice outfit for her and baby...

...and Dadda rigorously prescribed to the Groom's orders of "Penguin" dress code only!!

... big meal for the parents meant loads of quality time or us kids to stay up and do things we wouldn't normally do at this time!!

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