Saturday 24 December 2011

Swiss Christmas

... there has been a lot going on this December with advent calendars, fairy tales, Saint Niklaus, chocolates and non stop surprises and Christmas presents from the German and Italian Nonni during their visits... fact is... it isn't even Christmas yet!!  We spend Christmas afternoon quietly at home sheltered from the freezing whether lighting up candles, 

...eating cake and drinking tea...

...wondering whether Father Christmas was really going to come or not?!

...and then suddenly... a knock on the door and... Santa was there!!! He ate a mandarin and drank a glass of grappa.... he took me on his lap and handed me some lovely presents!!

... Dadda had popped out to buy some milk so he didn't even have a chance to have a picture taken with Santa and Mamma!!

Santa took one more picture me with and then vanished from the front door rushing to see all the other children...

....leaving a ton of presents behind for us to open!!!

Merry Christmas!!

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