Saturday, 31 December 2011

Farewell 2011!

...after lots of eating, drinking and playing we were ready to wave goodbye to 2011 and welcome 2012 with a load of fireworks!!


... I had to borrow Julian's dummy to keep my excitement under control!!

Here is the Brinkman-Schwalbe family welcoming 2012!! 

...Mummies swapping their loved ones!!

...did you see those fireworks!?!?!


Not till next year I'm afraid!!

Chilling before Countdown!

... tonight was going to be a long night with expectations of a long meal and fireworks to come so we cuddled up in the living room all afternoon to unwind a little with Mamma & Katrin while Julian was tucked in bed sleeping!!

Katrin facebooking away!!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Julian, Axel & Katrin in town!

Julian, Axel and Katrin came to visit us for the New Years' Eve celebrations!

Julian and I clicked in an instant!!!  First we played in my cardboard house...

...then we hopped into the travel cot Julian was to sleep in...

...what a kind chap he is... he was ever so grateful for having him stay with us!!

...then we drew a bit while the parents caught up and gossiped a bit..

... at some point both Julian and I were showing symptoms of tiredness!!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Morning Vibrations

Mamma was off to work this morning but Dadda kindly took a day off to mess about with me as my kindergarden was closed!!

We hit some good vibes right from the early morning... have a look!!

Monday, 26 December 2011

Boxing day up the Pilatus Mountain

... with Davos under our belt we were more than keen for some more mountain action... so off to Pilatus we went... not as far as Davos and just under an hour away from home!

The view from the restaurant at the top was impressive!!

...there are zoo many mountains around and they are all white!!!

yet on the north side there are lakes and hardly no snow at all... how odd!!!

.... a healthy meal with wurstels and french fries put me in a great mood!!!

.... Mamma!  Enough of those kisses!!!

... stop tickling me Dadda!!!

we sure had a good laugh up there!! 

And then it was sledging time again so off we went down the slope!!!

.... before finding a stop to enjoy the peaceful scenery and powdery snow!!!

Starting to really enjoy the snow.. very much growing on me now!!

... and what luck to find a spielplatz at the bottom to swing with Mamma...

and play on the seesaw!!

Bring on the snow!! More more!!!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas in Davos

...with all the present procedures behind us we woke up on Christmas day bright and early and decided to put my new sledge to work!!  So off we went to Davos for a day on the slopes!!

Che bello!  Si sale sull'ovetto!! (intendesi l'Ovovia!)

... e poi 3 chilometri di discesa!!  Yipppeeeeeee!!!!

... getting used to the snow!!

Playing silly games with Dadda!!

... gosh a day in the snow can be tiring....

...I'm absolutely cooked!!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Swiss Christmas

... there has been a lot going on this December with advent calendars, fairy tales, Saint Niklaus, chocolates and non stop surprises and Christmas presents from the German and Italian Nonni during their visits... fact is... it isn't even Christmas yet!!  We spend Christmas afternoon quietly at home sheltered from the freezing whether lighting up candles, 

...eating cake and drinking tea...

...wondering whether Father Christmas was really going to come or not?!

...and then suddenly... a knock on the door and... Santa was there!!! He ate a mandarin and drank a glass of grappa.... he took me on his lap and handed me some lovely presents!!

... Dadda had popped out to buy some milk so he didn't even have a chance to have a picture taken with Santa and Mamma!!

Santa took one more picture me with and then vanished from the front door rushing to see all the other children...

....leaving a ton of presents behind for us to open!!!

Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, 18 December 2011

First Snowfall in Zurich

I could hardly walk when it snowed in London and don't think I remember any of this snow...

...seems rather harmless though and makes our garden look quite pretty!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Sprungli Nap

... on Sunday we took Nonno and Nonna to a brunch in Sprungli - it's becoming a bit of routine when they come over to visit us...

It might have been the fatigue from all the running around the day before at the Transport Museum perhaps but I couldn't save myself from a taking a nap next to my little squirrel while the adults finished eating!!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Lucerne Transport Museum

Nonno and Nonna are in town so we took a drive to nearby Lucerne to check out the Transport Museum... what a treat!! There were hundreds of trains to go and explore....

...some of which we could play with too!

there was even a construction site for children where I could get busy shovelling away...

...and messing about with a little vehicle I used to collect all the stones!!

... here I am with my wheel barrow finishing the last touches of work!

Those two members of air staff look familiar!!  

....and so do these two!!

...I even had a go at driving an airplane!!!

A lovely museum which I am sure we will go and see again!