Sunday 2 October 2011

Dottingen Festival

On the first autumny looking Sunday morning without any plans in mind, Dominic our neighbor informed us of an annual costume and music parade that took place in Dottingen, about an hour north west of Zurich.

So without much convincing we set off in our car and hit the road on our way to Dottingen!

Here is what it looked like at my amusement as we encountered hundreds of bands playing infinite musical instruments as they paraded up and down the main street.... I got a little hungry we helped ourselves to a nice beef skewer...

...followed by usual cuddles with Mamma...

... then the big bell men came "ding donging" they way through town...

... followed my more costumes of all shapes and colors!

... the sun eventually came out but only by the time we were ready to head back home!

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