Wednesday 9 December 2009

Christmas Function at my new Nursery

... leaving your Mamma after almost a year of daily contact, 24 hours a day isn't that simple.  Starting nursery in full on East London cockney populated teachers doesn't make it much easier after having heard German and Italian for the greatest part of my first year.  Add to that that I picked up all sorts of bacteria and a terrible cold on my first day and then if you thought that was enough then there is one more... 3 days into my new life we had the Christmas function which required all toddlers to take part by dressing up as Santas or fairys singing along to all the songs... except one.. it seems the last one was to dress up as the rain deer..... the last one being me!

Does it look like I am enjoying myself!?!

get me out of here!!!

... at this stage I think I started hallucinating... surely this can't be my new life.. Mamma?!  Where is my Mamma?!

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