Saturday 28 February 2009

The Pub

First comes the family, then come my friends.. it couldn't take long before I was introduced to the third biggest institution in British culture... the Pub!!

Here I am the Duke of Cambridge in Angel!

... followed by visits to several other pubs in Hackney

... and more still... gosh these pubs are just everywhere!!

wot are you all lookin' at?!

My first brunch: One Aldwich

... i get it.. brunch can be lots of fun!  A bunch of friends around the table and everyone sitting vertical... 

... pass me the bubbles please ;-)

Thursday 26 February 2009


I am learning quickly that relationships don't stop with Mamma, Dadda and the families.. there are loads of friendly people out there that are caring and a pleasure to have as friends...

here is me and that nutter of Dario...

... poi lo Zio Stefano e' venuto a conoscermi di passaggio dai Caraibi...

... poi la Brutti.. anche lei gonfia e gravida di un pargoletto pronto da sfornare...

weeeila'... tu devi essere Toto!!

.... and zis is meine Deutsche Freund Catha visiting from Munich!

.... ciao Edo!  Dammi un po' di tempo e mi segno anch'io per il calcetto del Giovedi!

... questo qui ha la faccia sospetta... meglio non fidarsi!!!

... oddio lo zio Manuuuuu!

... ci conosciamo?!  Ciao Vale, io sono Tino!

... hi Stevie!  What's that look on your face?!

...Caro Lele...scusami ma mi sa che me la sono fatta sotto!!

... Nice to meet you Rosie!

...and nice to meet you too Denise!

... Babbo mi introduce allo Zio Ennio e la Zia Livia...

... bravo Ennio.. damme da beve...

... o bischero!!  Te tu sei il hugino da Pistoia, vero!?

... Ciao Helene, who's that buffoon next to you?!!

never mind... nice to meet you all fabulous people!

Sunday 15 February 2009


... niente condizionamenti.. sono tutto giallorosso!

... tra l'altro il completino mi e' stato regalato da un nonno Juventino!!


Wednesday 4 February 2009


... I've only been around 6 weeks but sure have figured out there is a lot of shit to get through in life... this is just a couple days worth!!!!

Take my advise.. have someone else get their hands dirty until you can!!

Monday 2 February 2009

Mamma & Dadda

... since I've been on the planet I've had a house full of people... it is nice to get a rest and have a cuddle and spend quality time now around folks that I gather will take care of me until I'm fully up and running and independent!!!

Here am I with my beloved Mamma & Dadda