Thursday 31 December 2009

New Year's in Hamburg

.... I recovered quickly (clearly have my Dadda's genes...) and we headed off to Wolfgang and Saskia's after all!

What a lovely couple they are and what a crazy party we had with infinite fireworks being lit up all night by those crazy German folks!!

... and how kind they were to sing me songs at home to make me feel love and welcome!!!

Saturday 26 December 2009

Ear infection

... my ear is in agony and Mamma is worried we won't be able to go to Hamburg to celebrate New Year's Eve...

Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas 2009

... I've only just turned one and I'm already celebrating my second Christmas!!  

Looks like I am ready to go places!!  I'm almost standing!

Not feeling great (an ear infection is on it's way!)...

... and while we are all expected to go to Leo's for lunch I could happily sit here all day!

Christmas at Leo's....

Sunday 20 December 2009

My First Birthday!!

One year since I first appeared on the planet!!!  What an odd thing it is to be born around Christmas in the western society... whether religious you are or not!!  You simply get inundated with presents all the time....

Even more so as Nonno, Nonna, Oma and Opi all fled in for the occasion... such as shame I wasn't on top of my game with fever for most of the festivities!!!

Friday 18 December 2009

Waiting Dadda...

...can't tell you how exciting it is to wait for Dadda to come back home every day!!!  Particularly on a Friday night!!

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Tino the red nose rain deer!!!

.... I started nursery at just over 11 months as Mamma had to go back to work... they put me into The Nursery at St Paul's in Dock Street (, not far from St. Kathrine's Docks, near tower bridge...

Nursery turned out to be pleasant and everyone there made me feel totally welcome and happy, both carers and other children that were there like me...

.. but I can't forget my first week and day 3 in particular when the Christmas party was put out with all the kids and carers and someone must have worked out I was to be Santa's rain deer...

Christmas Function at my new Nursery

... leaving your Mamma after almost a year of daily contact, 24 hours a day isn't that simple.  Starting nursery in full on East London cockney populated teachers doesn't make it much easier after having heard German and Italian for the greatest part of my first year.  Add to that that I picked up all sorts of bacteria and a terrible cold on my first day and then if you thought that was enough then there is one more... 3 days into my new life we had the Christmas function which required all toddlers to take part by dressing up as Santas or fairys singing along to all the songs... except one.. it seems the last one was to dress up as the rain deer..... the last one being me!

Does it look like I am enjoying myself!?!

get me out of here!!!

... at this stage I think I started hallucinating... surely this can't be my new life.. Mamma?!  Where is my Mamma?!

Saturday 5 December 2009

Emirates Stadium

.... my first time at a football game!! With Fabio hosting at the Emirates with Joyd, Pippo, Gav and a bunch of other York folks I couldn't miss on the opportunity to go down with Dadda so off we went with the 277 bus and before we knew it we were in a stadium full of lots of noisy people and huge green football pitch..

Not sure the first impression worked particularly well to be honest.. I was a little overwhelmed!! 

...despite Fabio's attempts to get me into the right spirit!!

...come on Arsenal!!

Sunday 8 November 2009

An exploratory trip to Zurich

Dadda had a business trip in Zurich and decided to take Mamma and I with him... very nice of him, I wonder what he had in mind?! ;-)

Mamma fell in love with the place instantaneously...

...  and consequently I was happy with it too!

look how happy we both are!! 

... I like it so much I could live here!!

... i even learned to walk (though somewhat assisted) in the super friendly family centre in the airport!


Sunday 1 November 2009

Sussex with Rosie

... how we love to spend the weekend in the countryside!! This time we couldn't resist Rosie's invitation to go and wonder out to her parent's house in Sussex and what a beautiful place it really is!!

Sunday 25 October 2009


...10 months since appearing on this planet I'm finally growing some hair to cover my bold head!!!

Sunday 11 October 2009

Rising Up!

... continuing my evolution and gradually coming off 4 legs and moving onto two instead... 

Sunday 27 September 2009

Paliano Boom Festival 2009

... a poco più di 9 mesi non potevo mancare al mio primo Paliano Boom Festival ospiti dal grande Stefano Lavorini assieme a decine di altri amici desiderosi di trascorrere un weekend tra risate, vino, pizza, barbecue, ping pong e tanto altro!!

Dadda chi sono tutte queste canaglie?!

... che belle risate che ci siamo fatti pero, eh!?

... ciao doggy!!

... sempre con Beru' al seguito ce ne rientriamo verso Roma per un ultima notte prima di rientrare a Londra!

Giusto il tempo per farci una bella risata con la Nonna e via!

Belle storie!

Sunday 6 September 2009


... rientrati a Londra dopo le ferie in Italia, ci e' bastata una settimana prima di voler di nuovo lasciare la città' per un weekend nella natura Inglese... 

che contentezza!!!

Guardate che meravigliosa campagna... peccato che me la sono persa!!

...e che belle proprieta'!  Ma pure queste mi sono perso mentre me la ronfavo nel passeggino!!

...e i boschi?!  Ma dormivo pure qui??!

...e i campi con i cavolfiori?!?  Dormivo anche qui!! 10 km di passeggiata in 6 ore me le sono dormite praticamente tutte!!  Segno che l'aria e' buona e tranquillizzante!!

... guarda papa'!  Guarda quante mucche!!

... ormai mi tengo quasi in piedi sa solo... vero Mamma!?

... anche se preferisco stare seduto!!

Sunday 30 August 2009

Fabio e Clare si sposano!

...sono fiero di debuttare ad un evento importante come il matrimonio per due persone speciali come Fabio e Clare... 

eccoli la notte prima del "Si"

Mamma e Papa' in cornice al Campidoglio...

... eccomi tutto acchittato!

... posa sorridente sulla terrazza con vista su Roma!

... il giorno dopo a pranzo alla "Villetta"..

... Daddy silly boy!

...con Clare neo sposa...

... e con Fabio neo sposo!