Saturday 20 December 2008

Day 1

... that's it folks.. Mamma's pressing the "eject" button... time to come out and join you all..  

Hello world!! This is me! Roberto Gabriel Mochi Sismondi!

Come on paparazzi... give me a break!!!

... yummy...milk!!

...who the hell are you stranger?!  Take your hands off me!!!!

... life on planet earth is stressful... better get some sleep!!

...Mummy looks relieved!!

... and to be honest so do I!!!!

... you must be my Dad I guess.. 

... hey Dad, have you heard of "breathing space" before?

... haven't been around 10 minutes and already getting slimy kisses already...

... that's a big hand Daddy!!

... the unmistakable faces of two proud parents... I guess it could be worse couldn't it?!

... come on then parents.. take me home!  There are a bunch of people that are impatiently waiting to meet me!!! 

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