… Papi mi e' venuta a prendere al kindergarden precipitosamente con Omi e Opi per portarmi all'ospedale a trovare la Mamma e la mia nuova sorellina Kristina Isabella!!
Al mio arrivo in ospedale la piccola Kristina era una meraviglia da vedere…
… da coccolare…
… e da accarezzare…
…e io ci ho rimediato anche un bel regaletto che non fa mai male!!!
I'm told baby is really close to birth and Mamma is well up for flower picking so making the most of the morning with her and Papi to decorate the house nicely for our new arrival!!
It's that time in the year again when Kusnacht celebrates summer with it's own funfair, stalls, sweets, balloons, animals.. and lots of other interesting stuff!
This year I got well into the bumper cars.. "Le macchine da scontro!!!"
Another year has gone round fast… It's Leo's birthday again and for the occasion we took him to Beuch, a lovely restaurant with a view over the lake up in Herrliberg...
Mamma and Dadda were there of course...
..but it was uncle Leo who caught all of the attention!!!
After much speak and a lovely summer break, it was time to start my education program again. My time at Globegarden in Seefeld was over and it was time to look forward to Kindergarden… I joined the Terranova Kindergarden today in Kusnacht…
…time to check out how my immune system is coping with some of those dangerous ingredients..
Quite happy with my two plasters!!
Then one after the other they checked out all the usual suspects on my skin.. egg, shellfish, goat cheese, sheep cheese and of course all types of nuts...
In the end I survive the experience and ended up as the happiest receiver of a super Ninja Turtle on the occasion!!!