Sunday 24 May 2009

Rome & Capalbio!

... we've somehow lost all pictures of this adventure except these two that capture me in Nonno & Nonno's garden in Capalbio...

... and this other one in Francesco Patimo's flat chilling with Fabio & a few others!

Thursday 14 May 2009

Life Ain't Always Black & White...

...sometimes you aren't on top of your game and you feel like letting it all out!

... other times you are a little puzzled as you wonder at the world around you...

...sometimes choosing the right item on the menu can be the hardest thing on earth..

...sometimes a ball is enough to get you back on top of the world!

... sometimes naughty uncles try taking advantage of your weaknesses to take on bad habits..

... and sometimes even the most colourful of people you know turn up dressed in Black & White!

Saturday 9 May 2009

Auntie Nati visits from Panama!

...finally i get to meet Nati too... though it very much looks like the jet lagged one is me, not her!

... dear Nati, can't you come and live closer to us!?
